Rug Cleaning & Restoration

Rug cleaning and repair in Old Bridge, NJ with a reputation for quality work at affordable prices. Experienced, dedicated and professional.

Your Rug Needs Fine Care & Repair

Whether your rug is silk, sheepskin, leather or jute, we are pretty sure you love it. Some rugs are family heirlooms, handed down from one generation to another. Others are costly investments. And then there are those that are given as gifts - and they are deeply loved too. The fact is, however, that most people love making their area rug the centerpiece in your home. In our 20 years experience with green cleaning, repair and restoration services throughout the Old Bridge and Middlesex County locale, we understand how important rugs are to their owners and how we have a responsibility to take good care of them, when they are brought to us for cleaning and repair.

We service individuals, small families, medium sized businesses and large corporations across Newe Jersey and we always take the same approach to our work - every client is important. Whether it’s a residential or commercial client, and no matter if the job is large or small, you are assured of great service from us. With our green eco-friendly products and careful handwashing techniques, you can trust us. We know that your area rug adds style and panache to your home or office and we’re here to make sure that by the time it’s returned to you - cleaned, repaired or restored - it will have had new life breathed into it.

Contact Us

So to find out more about our carpet and rug services, pick up the phone now to speak to one of our friendly representatives, who will be happy to advise you further and give you a free, no-obligation quote.

800 NY Carpet Carpet and Rug Cleaning - your one-stop shop for all your carpet and rug cleaning needs in Old Bridge and Middlesex, NJ

Our Rug Repair and Restoration Services - We Can Fix Every Problem

Whether you own a costly Oriental rug or a piece given to you, which is primarily of sentimental value, the fact is that the months turn into years, your rug really will start to feel the brunt of use. Children, pets and foot traffic (especially if it's in an area where it gets a lot of use), as well as spills, stains and tears, mean that, one day, it really is going to need some special care. Don’t worry - this is where we come in!

Our staff have a keen eye for detail as well as being very dedicated. Our rug repair and restoration techniques include color restoration, hole fixing, binding, rug-resizing and fringe re-enforcement. In all of our years in business, there isn’t much we have not seen and few problems we can’t cope with. Even better, we only use organic and green solutions in our work because we are committed to protecting the health of you, your family and your employees.

So to find out more about our carpet and rug services, pick up the phone now to speak to one of our friendly representatives, who will be happy to advise you further and give you a free, no-obligation quote.

800 NY Carpet Carpet and Rug Cleaning - your one-stop shop for all your carpet and rug cleaning needs in Old Bridge and Middlesex, NJ